Herbal Supplements
Herbal Supplements
Houjiling Tablets
Houjiling Tablets This supplement helps maintain a healthy esophagus and overall well-being. ..
Houteling Tablets
Houteling Tablets This supplement is an exclusive herbal formulation to help support the immune ..
Isatis Root Tea Ban Lan Gen Sugar-Free
Isatis Root Tea Ban Lan Gen (Sugar-Free) 板藍根沖劑(無糖) This herbal tea helps to maintain a healthy im..
Lung Support Combo
Lung Support Combo 银花清瘟片 This herbal supplement is to promote and maintain a healthy respiratory ..
Mai Wei Di Huang Wan
Fructus Corni Combo - Mai Wei Di Huang Wan 麥味地黃丸 This herbal supplement helps with main..
Perilla & Peucedanuma Combo
Perilla & Peucedanuma Combo 通宣理肺片 A traditional herbal supplement that helps promote overall ..
Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan
Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan This supplement is a famous herbal formula in traditional Chinese medicine t..
Respiratory Formula
Respiratory Formula Respiratory Formula helps promote and maintain a healthy respiratory system. ..
Xiao Qing Long Wan
Xiao Qing Long Wan This is famous herbal formula in traditional Chinese medicine to promote the i..
Xin Yi Bi Yan
Xin Yi Bi Yan Xin Yi Bi Yan helps promote a healthy respiratory system. Ingredients: Magnol..
Yang Yin Qing Fei
Yang Yin Qing Fei A dietary supplement to help promote and maintain healthy respiratory system fu..