Special Offers
TOUKU Natural Herbal Rheumatic Pills
TOUKU Natural Herbal Rheumatic Pills is useful for joint weakness and stiffness due to blood stagnat..
Tremella & Lotus Seed Sweet Soup Mix
Tremella & Lotus Seed Sweet Soup Mix (銀耳蓮子糖水) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The trad..
Tremella & Peach Gum Sweet Soup Mix
Tremella & Peach Gum Sweet Sweet Soup Mix (銀耳桃膠糖水) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The..
True Calm Combo
True Calm Combo is appropriate for mental strain, insomnia associated with rapid heart beat, inabili..
Unibract Fritillary Bulb Ping Bei Mu Sulfur-Free
Unibract Fritillary Bulb Ping Bei Mu Sulfur-Free 平貝母 無熏硫 Selected from High-Quality Unibract F..
Uri-Tract Formula
Uri-Tract Formula helps promote and maintain a healthy urinary system. Indications: Urinary Trac..
Vagi-Care Formula
Vagi-Care Formula 婦科盆腔丸 Details: This herbal supplement helps maintain proper immun..
Velvet Mushroom & Bamboo Pith Soup Mix
Velvet Mushroom & Bamboo Pith Soup Mix Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional..
Vitality Boost Soup Mix
Vitality Boost Soup Mix (五指毛桃蟲草花湯料包) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe..
Vitamin C 1000mg
VITAMIN C 1000MG - ZINC EXTRA SUPPORT Antioxidant support Supports immune system With zinc..
Watermelon Frost
This traditional formula is used to relieve sore throat, toothaches, mouth ulcers, swollen and achin..
White Flower Mushroom Bai Hua Gu
Selected from high quality White Flower Mushroom Dried mushrooms Perfect for making soup Packe..